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Are you thinking of undertaking a home improvement project soon? Here are the new rules to follow when it comes to renovating your home.
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Here are some important questions to ask your Realtor when selling your home, from sales plans to listing costs.
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To prevent minor issues from escalating into full-blown, money-sucking, sale-killing problems, focus on these six important areas you can’t afford to neglect.
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If you’re wondering whether or not to list your house, here are some telltale signs the time might be right for you.
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Tackling five simple tasks now gives you a head start on spring
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These are the exterior projects you need to tackle before you list your house for sale.
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Here’s what to take note of when you are shopping for a house—and the red flags to look for.
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When exactly should you cry “uncle” and lower that asking price? We asked some experts for advice.
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In today’s hot seller’s market, scads of desperate house hunters scramble for limited inventory, paying sky-high prices to beat out other bidders.
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Is your utility closet has become the oversize vertical version of your home’s junk drawer? Here's how to get it organized.
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What happens when multiple offers come in—and, most importantly, what are the chances of your offer rising to the top?
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Curious how you might risk ruining a good thing? We asked some real estate experts to identify what many first-time home sellers get wrong when listing their home today.
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